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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I specify where a tree will be planted?

You may indicate with your donation if you would like it to go to where it is needed most, or specifically designate a National Forest as the recipient, but keep in mind that there may not be a reforestation need there immediately. If there is no tree planting need for the selected forest, the donation may be used for tree planting on another forest.

Will I be able to visit my trees?

Donations to Plant-A-Tree are pooled and individual donations cannot be associated to specific tree planting projects. Seedlings planted with the donations are not designated on the ground as a memorial but become part of the forest ecosystem.

Does my donation qualify as a charitable deduction for the Internal Revenue Service?

The Federal TIN/EIN# is 72-0564834. For further information, seek the advice of a tax professional.

What types of payment are accepted?

Donations are accepted through the secure government platform Users can select to pay with their bank account (ACH), debit, or credit card.

I have a business and would like to donate on a recurring basis, can I do this?

Our system does not allow you to set up recurring donations. To make multiple donations you would need to make a new donation each time. Businesses must keep in mind that a donation does not constitute a formal relationship and does not allow the individual or organization to use the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Forest Service insignia (logos). A donation does not by direct reference or implication convey U.S. Department of Agriculture or Forest Service endorsement of any person or organization’s product, or activity. Reaching out to one of our national partners may be a good option if you are interested in making donations on a recurring basis.

Can I continue to mail in a check to donate to the Plant-A-Tree program and receive a certificate?

It is preferred that you make your donation electronically via the website. There you will have the option of having your certificate printed and mailed to the recipient. If you are unable to do so, you may mail your check and include a note with the name and address of the person that you’d like the certificate to be mailed to (if it is someone other than the person mailing the check).

Checks should be made to "USDA Forest Service" and mailed to this address:

USDA Forest Service

ATTN: Forest Management, 3SW

Plant-A-Tree Program, Stop 1103

1400 Independence Ave., SW

Washington, DC 20250-1103

How long does it take for a certificate to arrive if I request a hard copy of the certificate to be sent to me?

Please allow up to 4 weeks to receive a shipped certificate. The time period allows for processing, printing, and ground shipping from the Washington, D.C. office. In the event that you would like your certificate sooner, you will have immediate access to print your certificate via the link provided on the confirmation page and in the receipt email.

There are many organizations that plant trees.  How can I locate those that are partners with the Forest Service?

These organizations are official partners of the Forest Service National Reforestation Partnership Program:

  • National Forest Foundation
  • Arbor Day Foundation
  • American Forests
  • One Tree Planted

What is and do I need to make an account to make a donation? is the public’s one account and password for secure access to government sites. By setting up an account you will be able to track your Plant-A-Tree past orders if you make multiple donations.

It is not necessary to create a account, you can instead use the Guest Check Out option, but you will not have access to your past orders.

Can I make several donations and request multiple certificates at one time?

You can only make one donation at a time. Once you’ve completed your first order, you may make another donation if desired. Each time you donate you can customize one certificate. If you select ‘Ship A Printed Certificate’ you may use the Recipients Template to upload multiple names and addresses for more than one certificate.

Where do I enter the name of the person the certificate is in honor/memory/celebration of?

The "Certificate recipient name" field is the place to enter the name of the person the certificate is in honor/memory/celebration of.

What happens to my certificate order during a government shutdown?

Printed certificates will not be processed and shipped during a government shutdown. Please allow additional time to receive your certificate if you selected the shipped option. The link to your digital certificate on your confirmation page and receipt email will remain available for you to access and print your own certificate at any time. Please also be aware that technical support and communication will be unavailable during a government shutdown. We will respond to messages as soon as possible once the shutdown ends.